RHTD, IM3602 humidity and temperature probe

using the HIH-3602 sensor IC

(c) 1998 , 2001 EME Systems, Berkeley CA U.S.A.
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Contents (updated 9/10/2001)

RHTD Temperature/humidity probe


Microswitch HIH3602 humidity sensorEME Systems manufactures a temperature/humidity probe, the RHTD, which is built around the premium HyCAL/Honeywell/Microswitch model HIH3602 sensor element. The sensor element includes both the RTD temperature sensor and the humidity sensor with the signal conditioning electronics integrated in the package. The humidity senosr has a polymer construction that is highly resistant to contamination. The whole assembly is enclosed in a TO5 metal can and protected by with a hygrophobic sintered stainless steel air filter.

RHTD humidity sensor using HIH3602We mount the sensor element in a NEMA rated polycarbonate enclosure along with electronics to buffer the humidity signal and to convert the RTD signal to a voltage. The RHTD temperature signal is conditioned to give 0 to 5 volts output for -25°C to +100°C temperature (1 volt out at 0.0°C, 40 mV/°C sensitivity.)


The output for humidity is a buffered voltage that goes from approximately 0.8 volts at 0%RH to 4.0 volts at 100%RH.

     Vo: offset value, voltage output at 0%RH (~0.8 volt)
     S: slope value, in volts per %RH (~0.032 volts/%RH)

Each module has slightly different values for the parameters Vo and S. They are printed on a label on the side of each RHTD. They enter into the software as described below.

For the following routines, assume that the temperature signal (green) is connected to OWL2c input #6, and the humidity signal (white) is connected to OWL2c input #5, and power (red) comes from the switched battery supply.

The humidity sensor has a temperature dependence, which is strongest when the humidity is highest. The following routine first measures the temperature, then the raw humidity, and then applies the temperature correction to find the compensated humidity.

result var word  ' from AD converter millivolts
ADch   var nib   ' AD converter channel
Trh    var word  ' temperature 'C*10
RH     var word  ' humidity %RH * 10
' routines EElog and show1 are standard OWL utility subroutines
' air temperature from RHTD, 12 bits
' -25'C is 0.0 volts, +100'C is 5.0 volts to 0.1'C
  ADch=5              ' analog input 6
  gosub ADread        ' get reading
  result=result/4-250   ' convert to temperature, 40 millivolts/degC
  Trh=result            ' hang onto the temperature result
  gosub EElog2        ' log as -250 to +1000
  gosub show1         ' display -25.0 to +102.5 +/- 0.1 deg. C
' air humidity from RHTD, 8 bits
' 0% RH is 0.8 volts, 100%RH is 4.0 volts nominal
' from HyCAL certificate: 
'       Vo at 0%RH around 0.8 volts
'       S slope around 0.032 volts per %RH
'       calculate stamp multiplier, RHS=65536*100/320=20480
'       except use exact S from calibration tag, instead of 320
  RHV0  con 800    ' millivolts out at 0%RH (from calibration tag)
  RHS   con 20480  ' multiplier, slope
  ADch=4           ' analog input 5
  gosub ADread     ' get results, millivolts from sensor
  RH=result min RH0-RH0**RHS
  ' now have raw humidity*10  value, 0-1000
  ' and next comes temperature (Trh) compensation
  if Trh.bit15=1 then Tnegative
  RH = RH/5*((902+(Trh**30179)-(Trh/10*Trh**201))/5)/40
  goto rhtdone
     RH = RH/5*((902+Trh+(Trh**20578)-(Trh/10*Trh**1180))/5)/40
     gosub show1      ' display as 0.0 to 100.0 +/- 0.1% RH
  gosub EElog      ' store as 0->1000

More about the math, and calibration constants in the program

The slope multiplier, RHS, and the offset RHV0 are entered as a constants in the above routine. Alternatively, they could be entered as DATA, which could be modified by the user in response to prompts at run time.

Here is the logic behind the slope multiplier, RHS. If the calibration label on the RHTD states a formula of Vo=0.789 and S=0.0320, then the reasoning proceeds as follows.

%RH = (V-Vo)/S                   ' formula in volts to %RH
%RH  = (mV - mVo)/(S * 1000)     ' same in millivolts
%RH * 10 = (mV - mVo)/(S * 100)  ' Left side in %RH * 10
%RH * 10 = (mV - mVo)*{100/(S * 10000)}  ' decimal in S moved 4 places right
                                 ' eg 321 instead of 0.0321

The fraction in parentheses on the right will be something like 100/321, which for the stamp we approximate closely as 20480/65536. This is the factor RHS entered as a constant in the above program.

If the multiplier is stored as DATA instead of as a constant, the user could be prompted to enter precalculated value, 20480, or they could be prompted to enter the slope value S=0.00320 (or whatever it is) from the calibration label. If they enter the S value, as a whole number like 320, then the multiplier RHS has to be calculated, as follows:

RHS = 51200/S*128 + 51200//S*128/S

This value can be stored in the eeprom as DATA. (The integer math operations in this last formula do not overflow since we know that the slope (S*10000) will be near the value 320.) Similarly, the user can be prompted to enter the value for Vo in millivolts, found on the calibration tag, and this value can also be stored in the eeprom as DATA.

Temperature compensation, and inside scoop on the HIH3602 sensor

The RHTD probe is built around the HIH3602 humidity sensor chip. This chip consists of a humidity dependent capacitor and a precision RTD temperature probe mounted under a stainless steel sintered filter. The voltage output is a linear function of humidity. That is, provided the temperature is held constant, the plot of senor output voltage vs humidity is a straight line. However, the slope of the line is slightly different at different temperatures, as shown in the graph to the left. This data comes from the Hycal literature. The temperature effect is negligible at 0% RH, that is, the offset Vo is not affected by temperature. Only the slope needs temperature compensation.

The first step in the above PBASIC routine, after acquiring the voltage output of the humidity sensor, is to convert the voltage to a raw humidity reading. This should be very close to the actual humidity (+/- 2%) if the temperature happens to be 25 degrees Celsius (77 deg. Fahrenheit). In fact, if the temperature varies over only a narrow range of room temperatures, and the humidity is restricted to mid-range values, further temperature compensation may not be necessary.

nonlinear humidity temperature compensationThe next step applies the temperature correction, for deviations from 25 degrees Celsius. On the above graph, notice the open V-shaped curve traced out by the upper end of the bars. The graph to the right shows the same curve, the 100% raw humidity reading, as a black line with black dots.

The green straight line is the temperature compensation equation given in the HIH3602 data sheet, an almost linear fit around 25 degrees C.

 %RH := %RH/(1.0546-0.00216*T)

Observe that this is not at all a good fit for temperatures further from 25 degrees C. I am really surprised that formula is presented in the manufacturer's data sheet without further qualification nor comment.

The red curve is my own quadratic approximation that works better over a wider range, from -20 to +65 degrees C. The temperature response has a cusp at zero degrees C, so two separate polynomials are called for.

If temperature T>=0 degrees Celsius, to convert from raw %RH to temperature compensated %RH:

  %RH := %RH*(90.2 + 0.4605*T - 0.00307*T2 )/100

if temperature T<0 degrees Celsius:

  T=ABS(T)   ' make T positive
  %RH := %RH*(90.2 + 1.314*T - 0.018*T2)/100

You may find the the presentation of the manufacturer's data strange, as did I. The "compensated" humidity values at some points exceed 100%. This is simply an artifact of the extrapolation of the "compensated RH" to the value it would have if the "raw uncompensated RH" were 100%, when in fact the raw uncompensated humidity will never ever reach those values.

Here is the logic behind the translation of the above formulae to the integer math of the BASIC Stamp. Each of the multipliers is rewritten so as to use the ** approximation with the implied denominator of 216.

0.4605  ~= 30179/65536
0.00307 ~= 201/65536
1.314   ~= 1 + 20578/65536
0.018   ~= 1180/65536

This results in translations of the quadratic expressions for the positive and negative cases. The value of Trh going into this formula will be from 0 to 650 representing Celsius temperatures from 0 to 65.0:

Q = 902+(Trh**30179)-(Trh/10*Trh**201)
Q = 902+Trh+(Trh**20578)-(Trh/10*Trh**1180)

This results in a compensation value from 902 to 1070 over the temperture range. The variable RH at this point is 10*humidity. To bring the calculation into range we might divide the values by 10 before the multiply and then divide by 10 at the end . To keep the highest resolution, we have to play with the numbers:

RH = (RH/10) * (Q/10) / 10
   = (RH/5) * (Q/5) / 40   ' 0.1% resolution

That would give the %RH directly with 0.1% resolution, which tracks small changes, even though the sensor is not accurate at that level. Another option would be to divide by 200 and then multiply times 5,

RH = (RH/5) * (Q/5) / 200 * 5    ' 0.5% res

which would give a display and resolution to 0.5%RH.

Caveat: The data on which this equation is based come from literature provided to me by the original manufacuter (Hycal) at one point in time as "typical" of the sensor response over the wide temperature and humidity range. I have tried to get further information about the calibration from the current manufacturer (Honeywell/Microswitch), but they can not or will not verify that the above curves are still valid. They still do provide a two point calibration at 25°C with each individual sensor. They do not supply any information about the shape of the temperature compensation at negative temperatures, which is odd, considering that the data sheet claims an operating temperature range from -40 to +85 degrees Celsius. The data sheet still includes only the quasilinear temperature compensation formula shown as the green line in my graph above, without comment or qualification. My dismay at the lack of solid qualification data is balanced by my admiration for the basic design and ruggedness of the HIH3602 product. At EME Systems, we want to be honest about the performance of the product.

We have recently discontinued our use of theHIH3602 for the most part, and have switched to the all digital SHT15 from Intersema. It is much easier to use in a digital system, and much easier to have confidence in its calibration.

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